It required a solid two hours to assemble this item, and I must say the instructions weren't exactly user-friendly. You might find yourself staring at them for a while, feeling a bit frustrated, but with some perseverance, you'll manage to put it together before reaching the brink of insanity! So far, everything is going smoothly. Both my daughters have been happily bouncing on the trampoline since we successfully assembled it, and there haven't been any concerns regarding its stability. Just be sure to tighten those screws really well to avoid any annoying squeaks that might otherwise cause unnecessary worry.
it takes time and patience
It required a solid two hours to assemble this item, and I must say the instructions weren't exactly user-friendly. You might find yourself staring at them for a while, feeling a bit frustrated, but with some perseverance, you'll manage to put it together before reaching the brink of insanity! So far, everything is going smoothly. Both my daughters have been happily bouncing on the trampoline since we successfully assembled it, and there haven't been any concerns regarding its stability. Just be sure to tighten those screws really well to avoid any annoying squeaks that might otherwise cause unnecessary worry.