Perfect size for my 5 year old. This will be great as he grows. Super sturdy. This was the perfect find for virtual learning. We especially love all the different spaces for supplies. Absolutely perfect for a kindergarten student. Everything he needs (pencils, scissors, counting blocks, dry erase board and markers, glue sticks, crayons, etc) are able to be right within his reach. I wish I had come across this months ago!
Perfect for virtual learning!
Perfect size for my 5 year old. This will be great as he grows. Super sturdy. This was the perfect find for virtual learning. We especially love all the different spaces for supplies. Absolutely perfect for a kindergarten student. Everything he needs (pencils, scissors, counting blocks, dry erase board and markers, glue sticks, crayons, etc) are able to be right within his reach. I wish I had come across this months ago!