I was shopping around for a little bit of time before I came across this desk. The assembly of this desk took about 1.5 hours, but overall was fairly easy to put together. My significant other and I had a little difficulty in the beginning understanding what direction 4 of the parts that looked exactly the same should have been facing.
We got it together after a little bit. That is what caused us to exceed the 30 minute to 1 hour assembly stated on the directions. There is enough room for 2 monitors, a laptop, and keyboard on the short end of the L and I have another laptop on the long end of the L. There is plenty room for decor around all of the computers I have on the desk. This desk is a perfect size and shape for my current situation. I had to pick up all the extra computer equipment on the short end of the L for my job to work from home. It is also very sturdy. I do now realize that I need drawer space, but I will have to find that separately. Overall, I am very pleased with this desk.
Love this sturdy, L shaped, spacious desk
I was shopping around for a little bit of time before I came across this desk. The assembly of this desk took about 1.5 hours, but overall was fairly easy to put together. My significant other and I had a little difficulty in the beginning understanding what direction 4 of the parts that looked exactly the same should have been facing. We got it together after a little bit. That is what caused us to exceed the 30 minute to 1 hour assembly stated on the directions. There is enough room for 2 monitors, a laptop, and keyboard on the short end of the L and I have another laptop on the long end of the L. There is plenty room for decor around all of the computers I have on the desk. This desk is a perfect size and shape for my current situation. I had to pick up all the extra computer equipment on the short end of the L for my job to work from home. It is also very sturdy. I do now realize that I need drawer space, but I will have to find that separately. Overall, I am very pleased with this desk.