My desk arrived yesterday afternoon. Within about 45 minutes, my husband and son had it put together. They said the directions sucked. Anyway, it appears to be very sturdy and has lots of room. I am waiting for my dual monitor mount to arrive and hope that the desk will be Sturdy enough to support this. I did buy some little 4x4 wood squares to put on top and on bottom of desk for the mount to clip on to. Hoping that will help. I love it. I think it is perfect. Not a scratch on it. Here is my setup so farnot quite finished yet. Maybe I can update after mounting monitors. Oh, I would definitely recommend a coaster if you will have a drink. Remember, it isnt real wood.
Seems to be a great desk!
My desk arrived yesterday afternoon. Within about 45 minutes, my husband and son had it put together. They said the directions sucked. Anyway, it appears to be very sturdy and has lots of room. I am waiting for my dual monitor mount to arrive and hope that the desk will be Sturdy enough to support this. I did buy some little 4x4 wood squares to put on top and on bottom of desk for the mount to clip on to. Hoping that will help. I love it. I think it is perfect. Not a scratch on it. Here is my setup so farnot quite finished yet. Maybe I can update after mounting monitors. Oh, I would definitely recommend a coaster if you will have a drink. Remember, it isnt real wood.