The desk I have been searching for years . here it is
I am simply delighted with my desk. It is stronger than I imagined and I was pleased to see the features that were
added to make it stronger. I think the best advice I have for someone that is putting it together is to read the
assembly instructions COMPLETELY before starting. Whoever wrote the instructions took great care of warning the user about over tightening the screws. There is a reason for this. the instructions clearly tell you when to tighten every screw. I tightened ahead of time (as I always do) and almost hurt the desk. Yes, the instructions could be improved on a bit but with a bit of patience anyone can put it together. I am thrilled that its design allows for free movement of my legs without interference and it is comfortable without taking most of the available space in the room (my space was limited). I already have 2 large monitors, 2 keyboards, speakers and modem on it and still have plenty of work room. KUDOS to the designers I am not into gaming so I did not evaluate that aspect. I hope you enjoy yours as I am enjoying mine.
The desk I have been searching for years . here it is
I am simply delighted with my desk. It is stronger than I imagined and I was pleased to see the features that were added to make it stronger. I think the best advice I have for someone that is putting it together is to read the assembly instructions COMPLETELY before starting. Whoever wrote the instructions took great care of warning the user about over tightening the screws. There is a reason for this. the instructions clearly tell you when to tighten every screw. I tightened ahead of time (as I always do) and almost hurt the desk. Yes, the instructions could be improved on a bit but with a bit of patience anyone can put it together. I am thrilled that its design allows for free movement of my legs without interference and it is comfortable without taking most of the available space in the room (my space was limited). I already have 2 large monitors, 2 keyboards, speakers and modem on it and still have plenty of work room. KUDOS to the designers I am not into gaming so I did not evaluate that aspect. I hope you enjoy yours as I am enjoying mine.