Comfortable and perfect for nursery, bedroom or reading nook.
This rocker chair is perfect for a nursery for a petite to average size person (Im 52). The color fits right into earth or beige tone room decor. Easy to rock, and no squeaks. I havent connected the massage pillow yet because it needs an wall outlet adaptor to a usb plug (the pillow has a usb connector). So in the interim, I just use the pillow for neck support, and use a blanket throw to hold in place on upper part of chair.
Comfortable and perfect for nursery, bedroom or reading nook.
This rocker chair is perfect for a nursery for a petite to average size person (Im 52). The color fits right into earth or beige tone room decor. Easy to rock, and no squeaks. I havent connected the massage pillow yet because it needs an wall outlet adaptor to a usb plug (the pillow has a usb connector). So in the interim, I just use the pillow for neck support, and use a blanket throw to hold in place on upper part of chair.