The assembly instructions were quite clear with 1 exception. When you are putting the top rails on, make sure they are the fight way up and you dont have to remove them, forget which way they go, remove them again, and finally get them on right. Every part is labeled and the screws, etc., are in labeled baggies
You WILL need a Phillips head screw driver for a couple of things. The finished product is good am sturdy. Very well worth it.
The assembly instructions were quite clear with 1 exception. When you are putting the top rails on, make sure they are the fight way up and you dont have to remove them, forget which way they go, remove them again, and finally get them on right. Every part is labeled and the screws, etc., are in labeled baggies You WILL need a Phillips head screw driver for a couple of things. The finished product is good am sturdy. Very well worth it.