This bed is such a solid build, it is the second bed frame we have purchased - both queen bed frames. Our first purchase was for our toddler and to double as a guest bed. It works well for parents who put their child to sleep and allows you to get out of bed without Any disruptions to your child. This brand even has modular under bed options such as storage bins or even a trundle.
If you are a minimalist, you will not be disappointed. Between its solid, compact size and ability to store underneath, its a winner through and through.
Best Bed Frame Ever
This bed is such a solid build, it is the second bed frame we have purchased - both queen bed frames. Our first purchase was for our toddler and to double as a guest bed. It works well for parents who put their child to sleep and allows you to get out of bed without Any disruptions to your child. This brand even has modular under bed options such as storage bins or even a trundle. If you are a minimalist, you will not be disappointed. Between its solid, compact size and ability to store underneath, its a winner through and through.