Easy to assemble no problem there. The so called "massage" is no massage literally just a little thing that vibrates not even enough to massage nothing. The seat is way too small for my liking, I dont have a big butt nor thighs, but my thighs always flair out and gets really uncomfortable after a while. I cant see me sitting on this chair for too long because of that issue. My old gaming chair was more comfortable than this one and was way cheaper. Best thing I like about this is the foot rest and the fact you can literally sleep in this chair being able to bend it back straight.
Seat too small.
Easy to assemble no problem there. The so called "massage" is no massage literally just a little thing that vibrates not even enough to massage nothing. The seat is way too small for my liking, I dont have a big butt nor thighs, but my thighs always flair out and gets really uncomfortable after a while. I cant see me sitting on this chair for too long because of that issue. My old gaming chair was more comfortable than this one and was way cheaper. Best thing I like about this is the foot rest and the fact you can literally sleep in this chair being able to bend it back straight.