Like that it appears to be very sturdy and practical for my needs for additional shelving. Priced for most shoppers may be just a little to high, but what you get when properly assembled is well worth the expense.
It is certainly a nice addition to my household. Might look into additional Fattori products they did their
homework on this unit. Metal frame and wood were all able to be properly aligned with out any issues. No missing parts and instructions were easy enough to handle. Put it together by myself in about an hour. I took a few breaks and basically screwed around and took my time. Should take many other people less than 3040 mins. I like it. and would recommend. Space saver.
Nice addition to household
Like that it appears to be very sturdy and practical for my needs for additional shelving. Priced for most shoppers may be just a little to high, but what you get when properly assembled is well worth the expense. It is certainly a nice addition to my household. Might look into additional Fattori products they did their homework on this unit. Metal frame and wood were all able to be properly aligned with out any issues. No missing parts and instructions were easy enough to handle. Put it together by myself in about an hour. I took a few breaks and basically screwed around and took my time. Should take many other people less than 3040 mins. I like it. and would recommend. Space saver.